Shellphish Tool in Linux or Termux installation guide - Phishing attack tools


Hello Friends, Today Topic In this article, we are going to Install Shellphish in Termux or Linux, ShellPhish is a Phishing page-making tool, Using this Shellphish tool we can create multiple Website Phishing pages, Shellphish tool comes with different phishing templates of 18 social media sites.

What is Phishing Attack

Phishing is a type of social engineering attack where an attacker sends a fake login phishing page link to a victim to compromise the victim account using this Shellphish tool we can create any social media login phishing page and send to target,

when the target opens the link and enters her information on the phishing page attacker when the victim clicks on the login button target victim’s login information uploads to the attacker’s Server.

A hacker will use this against a victim, all they need to do is swap a real link with a malicious one. Shellphish is probably one of the easiest ways to generate that malicious link. Let’s have a look.

How does the shellfish tool work?

Shellphish is a powerful open-source tool Phishing Tool. It became very popular nowadays that is used to do phishing attacks on Target. Shellphish is easier than Social Engineering Toolkit.  It contains some templates generated by another tool called SocialFish and offers phishing templates webpages for 18 popular sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Google, Snapchat, Github, Yahoo, Protonmail, Spotify, Netflix, LinkedIn, WordPress, Origin, Steam, Microsoft, etc. It also provides an option to use a custom template if someone wants. This tool makes it easy to perform a phishing attack. Using this tool you can perform phishing in (wide area network). This tool can be used to get credentials such as id, password.

Uses of Shellphish:

Shellphish tool can create phishing pages of most popular social networking sites like

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Yahoo
  • Twitter
  • Netflix


Shellphish Tool Use

If you don’t know how to install Termux on Android and Linux you can See this video for the Linux installation guide & use same Method in Termux .


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